Know Before You Go: How to Prepare for Long-Distance Driving

An RV trip cross country is one of the best and most affordable ways to travel. You get all the comforts of home and you get to choose where you go and what you do.

But long-distance driving and living out of an RV can be intense. Here is everything you need to know to prepare yourself, and your RV for a great vacation.

Prepare the RV

This is the vital first step. Take some time in the weeks leading into your trip to prepare your RV. Clean the rig completely, this will be your home and it will be cramped and with kids, it will get messy.

This includes cleaning the roof, gutters, washing, and waxing, vacuuming the storage areas, surfaces, appliances, windows, and awnings. 

Next and most importantly make sure the rig is serviced properly. You may be able to do some of this yourself but if you are unsure get it professionally serviced. This includes lubricating the rig, conducting all safety checks, checking all electrical systems, plumbing systems, and mechanical systems. 

Plan Your Trip

One of the benefits of RV travel is the freedom it affords you. Even if you plan on winging it, you should at least have a general idea of where you want to go and what you want to do.

Along your planned itinerary, you should identify essential services, especially those for maintaining your RV and for your safety, so you know where to go if an emergency happens.

Ensure you have a valid roadside assistance membership and that they can service you along your planned trip.

You can also share your plan with a trusted friend or family member, and if things go wrong, they can help you out from home. 

Long-Distance Driving

Long-distance driving is unavoidable on an RV trip. There are some strategies to help you manage the challenges of long-distance driving.

Prepare plenty of healthy snacks and drink lots of water. Motorways are home to a lot of fast-food restaurants and convenience stores, making healthy food pretty scarce.

You can and should certainly enjoy these foods on a great road trip, but having healthy food will help keep you energized and sharp. And make sure to stay hydrated too. 

Stop every 2-3 hours. We all have the urge to just push on and get to our destination sooner. But stopping every 2-3 hours and walking and stretching will reduce burnout and the chances of an accident. If possible, organize driving shifts to share the load. 

If your trip is going to be more than just a few days do not forget to get in some movement and stretching during your stops. Sitting in one position for 12 hours for three days straight can lead to cramping and soreness. 

Gas up often. If you can keep your gas tank above half full you should. You may find yourself in rural areas with no gas stations for miles. You won’t want to be fretting about running out of gas in the middle of nowhere. 

Enjoy the Trip

The most important thing is that you and your family have a great time.

If you prepare your RV and follow our tips for long-distance driving, you will arrive safely and have a wonderful vacation. Get ready for your trip today.

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